Campus Copier Program

About the Program

The Campus Copier Program [CCP] is a campus-wide program created to monitor and negotiate copier costs for the entire campus. Please take a look at our Campus Copier Program Guide and Checklists.

Our mission is to provide efficient and reliable copy equipment to meet the needs of San José State instructional, service and administrative units.

To provide the highest standards of service at the lowest possible cost, we insure that copier equipment adequately meets the needs of users in terms of:

  • Size
  • Types of features
  • Copy quality
  • Replacement of equipment

All copiers must be ordered through the Campus Copier Program to take advantage of reduced prices negotiated by Strategic Sourcing - Contracts & Procurement Services.

Program Participation Costs

Departments pay a base program fee of $1,500 per black and white copier and $1,920 per color copier at the beginning of each fiscal year.

Not everything is included in the base fee. For details on any additional costs, see our Campus Copier Program Guide and Checklists.

Quarterly meter readings are performed remotely by the Campus Copier Program Coordinator [CCPC] for tracking and budget purposes.

Roles & Responsibilities

Various units in Finance and Business Services [FABS] have distinct responsibilities in support of the CCP. FD&O and ITS also support campus copiers, including their installation, network connectivity, troubleshooting, and relocation as needed. The copier supplier provides service/repairs and copier supplies such as toner and staples. Please see the Campus Copier Program Guide and Checklists for details on these stakeholder roles and responsibilities.

Each campus department with an office copier [or departments that share one copier] designates a contact known as a Key Operator, responsible for meeting on-site needs, such as being point-of-contact for employees and service technicians, contacting service, ordering supplies, etc.

Current CCP Equipment across the campus

This list of copiers across the campus registered with CCP is in the process of being updated: CCP Equipment List [Internal 菠菜网lol正规平台 Use Only].

For a list of available campus copiers and their specifications, see Copier Manuals and Specifications.

Request a new CCP Copier

If your department does not currently have a copier in the CCP program, please see the CCP Checklist - New Copier.

When a new copier is ordered, it may need to be tagged as an asset when it arrives.

Maintenance of Your Campus Copier

Order Supplies
  • For copier supplies [e.g. toner, staples], complete the CCP Supply Order Request form.
  • For copier paper, use your ProCard to order from Staples Advantage in CSUBUY.
Request Service
Update/Change details about your Copier

Please use the Campus Copier Changes Request Form to update or change a campus copier's:

  • Dept ID
  • Department name
  • Department contact/key operator
  • Chartfield
  • Other changes not identified here
Move a Copier to another department

Please use the CCP Checklist - Moving a Copier for requesting a CCP copier to be moved to another department.

Replace a Copier

Please see the CCP Checklist - Replacement Copier to replace a copier currently in the program.

Remove a Copier from the CCP

Please see the CCP Checklist - Remove a Copier to remove a CCP copier permanently from the program.

Contact the CCP Coordinator

Contact the Campus Copier Program team

For questions about campus copier program, service, or supplies, please send email, or see our Campus Copier Program Guide and Checklists.

Copier Manuals and Specifications

Departments receive a hard copy manual with their copier. If your manual is ever misplaced, or if your copying needs have changed, we've provided links to online manuals and specifications for your convenience.

The following copier models meet ATI procurement requirements and are being used on campus: