Procure to Pay FAQ

Commodities and Services

Office Supplies

Can an employee buy office supplies for personal use with our Staples discount?Yes, Staples has a discount program for CSU employees.


Can faculty be reimbursed for regalia?
  • The purchase of regalia from faculty's alma mater are considered gifts and can only be paid for with Trust or Auxiliary funds. The regalia in this situation is specific to an individual and cannot be used by another person which is why it's considered a gift. A Hospitality Expense Justification Form [pdf] will be required.
  • If the purchase of 菠菜网lol正规平台 regalia will be stored in a department and borrowed by faculty to wear at events, then it can be purchased with CSU Operating Funds.


Is this item considered furniture?

Furniture can include:

  • Tables
  • Desks
  • Office chairs
  • Couches
  • Bookcases
  • Filing cabinets
  • Items weighing over 400 pounds.
  • Items over 5 feet 9 inches in height

Furniture purchases typically require an FD&O permit [pdf] to ensure it meets installation requirements.

Catering & Hospitality

Can I make food and serve it to my students?

We do not recommend that employees make food for their students. However, if it is deemed appropriate, then employees can prepare food after they have taken a food safety handling course. Please contact Risk Management.

Does 菠菜网lol正规平台 have a preferred caterer? Yes, we recommend that departments use Spartan Eats Catering.
Can I use a different catering business other than Spartan Eats? Spartan Eats has the privilege of providing the first quote for catering services on the 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus. Other providers may be used when Spartan Eats cannot accommodate a request, or if an acceptable menu cannot be achieved after a good faith effort. See the Master Caterers List for a list of approved caterers.

If an outside caterer is to be utilized, please provide a copy of the quote from Spartan Eats when submitted your payment request.

What is the Master Catering List & where can I find it? The Master Caterers List provides departments with information about local caterers who are in compliance with 菠菜网lol正规平台's insurance and health permit requirements. This list is only accessible to 菠菜网lol正规平台 employees.
Is this considered Hospitality?

Hospitality is the provision of food, beverages, and other expenditures related to activities and special events for the purpose of promoting and furthering the mission of the university. Please see the Hospitality Guidelines [pdf] for more information.

When do I need to submit a Hospitality Expense Justification Form?

A Hospitality Expense Justification Form [pdf] is required for all hospitality expenses, including the provision of food, beverages, and commodities related to activities or special events that promote and further the mission of the University.

All Hospitality Expense Justification Forms must include:

  • Price quote, invoice or original receipts.
  • Names of attendees.
  • Date, time, and location.
  • Business purpose of the expense.
When do I need to submit an agenda as backup documentation?

You must submit an agenda when you have a meeting which takes place over an extended period of time and includes a working meal.

We require justification that the meal is integral to the business function, such as:

  1. Meetings where the there is a scheduled speaker during the meal period.
  2. Meetings where participants work through the meal period.
  3. Activities associated with professional development training.
  4. Circumstances where it would be too time-consuming or disruptive for participants to take a meal or break away from the meeting location.
  5. Official functions, ceremonial functions, fundraising events, athletic games, and community events which may be considered as business related where hospitality is provided.

Service Requests

Can I pay out-of-pocket for services?

No, the university must meet taxation and insurance requirements for all services.


Procurement Requests

Choosing a Supplier

Can I do business with XYZ Company?

We will do our best to accommodate requests to procure items/services from a specific supplier, but we must adhere to state and federal bidding requirements and establish a contract with the supplier before a department procures goods or services. The supplier must also onboard through the PaymentWorks system.

What should I do if I can’t find the company/individual name in FTS?

Please see our tutorial on how to Request a New Supplier [pdf].

I have a new supplier I want to use for my Requisition or Direct Payment, but they do not want to register with PaymentWorks. What should I do? 

Please contact the Supplier Maintenance Coordinator.

What does the supplier need for onboarding with 菠菜网lol正规平台?

The supplier must be able to provide:

  • Contact information.
  • Remittance address.
  • Tax identification number.
  • Banking information (if applicable) for ACH payments.

We also encourage suppliers to provide voluntary statistical data and state/federal certifications.

How do I update a Supplier's address?

This depends on whether or not the supplier has registered and created an account with PaymentWorks.

If the supplier has a PaymentWorks account:

If the supplier does not have a PaymentWorks account:

  • You can submit an invoice with the new address; or
  • You can send an email request to Supplier Maintenance. You must include a memo from the supplier verifying the new address.

Ordering from Small Businesses

What is SB/MB/DVBE Certification?

This is a certification process that grants businesses preferred status for government contracts.  

The acronyms stand for:

  • SB = Small Business.
  • MB = Micro Business.
  • DVBE = Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise.
Why do state agencies have to purchase goods & services from SB/MB/DVBE? The State of California requires all state agencies (and CSUs) to aggressively pursue the attainment of Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise procurement/contracting participation goals. 
How do I choose a SB/DVBE supplier?

Two possible answers below:

  1. You can look for a SB/DVBE supplier through the California eProcurement Portal. You may get different search results depending on how you enter the information (i.e. “flag” vs. “flags”, “print” vs. “printing”).

    For certification status click on “Find the Status of all Firms and Certification Applicants.”

  2. You can contact SB/DVBE Advocate if you need help finding a SB/DVBE supplier.


Should I add tax or freight to my requisition?
  • Tax does not need to be included.
  • Freight only needs to be included if it's $200 or greater.

The Buyer or Contract Specialist will review the quote and update the Purchase Order, as required.
How can I tell when my purchase order has been processed?

You will receive a copy of the PO when it has been issued. Check the requisition in FTS and it will list your PO number when it becomes available.

If a quote has itemized lines, can I consolidate it into one line for the requisition?

In most cases, no. The Requisition needs to be itemized so that it matches with the quote from the supplier.

For complex quotes with multiple pages, please contact

Can I submit a Change Order for a Requisition? No, you can only submit a Change Order for a purchase order; not a requisition that has not been issued a PO.

To update a requisition, then contact the Buyer or Contract Specialist that is assigned to your request to discuss your situation. 
When can I submit a requisition for goods/services for the next fiscal year?Typically, you can submit Requisitions for next fiscal year in mid-June. Please refer to the Fiscal Year End Deadlines which are posted around April of each year.

Purchase Orders

How can I tell when my purchase order has been processed?You will receive a copy of the PO when it has been issued. Check the requisition in FTS and it will list your PO number when it becomes available.
How do I find out what my PO balance is?There are multiple ways to look up your Purchase Order balance including CFS and Data Warehouse. Please see the Purchase Order Activity [pdf] tutorial to get started. 
How do I update or close a Purchase Order?You will need to complete a PO Change Order Request in FTS.
Where can I obtain a copy of my Purchase Order? Login to FTS, look up your Requisition, and click on Document Retrieval.
Who should I contact if I have questions or have a problem with my Purchase Order?You can contact the Buyer or Contract Specialist that processed your order.

Paying Suppliers


Where do I send invoices?

Invoices can be submitted with the following methods:

How do I process an invoice if I don't have a Purchase Order established?This is not allowed. See the Confirming Order Policy.
When do I need to submit a Generic Invoice?A Generic invoice [pdf] is required if supporting documents do not provide enough information to process the payment request. While this most often applies to individuals who are unable to provide an invoice, most companies will issue an invoice.
What is the status of my supplier's invoice?

Please refer to one of the following tutorials to check your PO activity or the status of a direct payment:

I submitted an invoice two weeks ago. Why hasn't it been paid?
  • For Purchase Order invoices, our payment terms are 45 days from the date of invoice.
  • For Direct Payment vouchers, the processing time is 10 business days.

    Payment delays can happen when we are awaiting action from the department or the supplier. If you have questions, please contact the Payment Services Specialist assigned to the invoice. 
I saw the confirmation page when I submitted my E-Invoice. How can I be certain it was uploaded?

To verify your invoice was submitted to Payment Services, please look at your “Document Retrieval” button within your Requisition in FTS.

Invoice documents will show up as “AP PO Invoice,” along with the details such as Invoice Number, Date of Invoice and Date of Submission.


How can I tell if a payment has been issued?

Please refer to one of the following tutorials to check your PO activity or the status of a direct payment/reimbursement:

Can we request to cancel a check after it's been issued?Yes, if the check has not been cashed we can void the check. Please contact Payment Services.
A supplier needs a check reissued, do I submit a new invoice?No, a new invoice is not necessary. Email a request to the Payment Services Specialist for the check to be voided and reissued.
The supplier only accepts credit cards, but the item is not allowed on the ProCard. What should I do? 

Submit a Requisition in FTS.  

In the Header Comments, explain that the supplier only accepts credit card payment. The Buyer can make the payment on your behalf.

Select "Supplier TO BID" as the supplier, unless instructed otherwise by a Buyer.


Why do I need to enter a receipt in CFS? A CFS receipt is required for tangible goods ordered on a purchase order. Examples of tangible goods include books, computer/laptop, and furniture.
How do I process a receipt or receive a good in CFS?Please see the CFS Receipts Tutorial [pdf].
Can I receipt a partial order? Yes, you can enter a receipt for the goods received. When you receive the remaining order, then create a new receipt for the balance of the items.
I tried to receive items in CFS, but there is nothing to receive.If you received a notification from Payment Services asking you to receipt in CFS and you are unable to, contact FinanceConnect for further assistance.

Procurement Credit Cards


Who can be issued a ProCard?

Generally, one ProCard is issued to a staff member in each department after they complete a ProCard/GoCard Application Form [DocuSign]. If more than one ProCard is needed, please contact the ProCard Coordinator to request an exception.  

NOTE: ProCards are not issued to employees with a MPP (Management Personnel Plan) classification.

How do I open a ProCard account?Finance Training must be completed prior to applying for a ProCard. Once training is completed, please submit a ProCard/GoCard Application Form [DocuSign]
How do I make an update to my ProCard account?

Please submit a ProCard/GoCard Update Form [DocuSign] for the following situations:

  • Transferred to a new department
  • Update the cardholder’s name
  • Need to close account
  • New Approving Official
  • Update default chartfields
  • Change spending limit
What are my ProCard limits?

You can view your ProCard limits through U.S. Bank Access Online. Please contact the ProCard Coordinator if you need assistance setting up an online access.

How can I increase my ProCard limit?

For a temporary ProCard increase, the cardholder’s approving official can send an email request to the ProCard Coordinator. For a permanent increase, submit a ProCard/GoCard Update Form [DocuSign].  

What can I purchase with a ProCard?

Please visit the Procure to Pay Guidelines and the 菠菜网lol正规平台 ProCard Guide [pdf] for a list of what can be purchased with a ProCard.

If you have a question about something that is not listed, please contact FinanceConnect.

Can I pay for software or online services with the ProCard?

No, software and online services cannot be purchased with a ProCard. Please submit a Requisition in FTS  and a Technology Requisition Impact Assessment Form (TRIA).

How do I complete my ProCard reconciliation?

Follow the instructions in the ProCard/GoCard Reconciliation [pdf] tutorial to complete your ProCard reconciliation. 

You may also attend the ProCard/GoCard Reconciliation Workshop for a live presentation of the process. We recommend you subscribe to the FinanceConnect blog so you can receive notifications when sessions become available.

Why do I need to submit receipts?

Receipts serve as backup documentation for expenses and are reviewed against university policy. Receipts should be itemized and indicate proof of payment. Receipts are also required during an audit.

What do I do if I lose a receipt?

Please complete a Certification of Receipt of Goods [pdf] and include it with your ProCard statement. 

Should I check CFS every month for new transactions even if I did not make any purchases with my ProCard?

Yes, you should check CFS every month even if you did not make any purchases in the billing cycle:

  • There might be fraudulent charges on your account that need to be disputed.
  • Transaction may have been recorded in a different billing cycle than was expected.
How do I dispute a fraudulent transaction on my ProCard?

Please contact U.S. Bank at (800) 344-5696 to dispute a fraudulent charge. Include a note in the comment section of your ProCard statement in CFS that the charge has been disputed with U.S. Bank.


Questions about GoCard?Please see the GoCard Guide [pdf] for information regarding the card program. Answers for questions not found in the manual can be addressed with the GoCard Coordinator.
What are my GoCard limits?Each cardholder has a $10,000 credit limit per billing cycle. However, to reduce the risk of credit exposure, limits may decrease if credit is not being used regularly.
What can I pay with my GoCard?Please see the GoCard Guide [pdf] for a list of allowable GoCard expenses. If you are unsure about an expense, contact the GoCard Coordinator.
Which procurement method do we use for memberships?Membership fees can be paid using ProCard, Direct Payment, or Requisition. The GoCard can be used if the membership is paid in conjunction with an event registration fee.
Why do I need to submit receipts?Receipts serve as backup documentation for expenses and are reviewed against university policy. Receipts should be itemized and indicate proof of payment.  Receipts are also required during an audit.
What do I do if I lose a receipt?Please complete a Certification of Receipt of Goods [pdf] and include it with your GoCard statement.