FLP Provider Location List
Global Engagement at 菠菜网lol正规平台 has authorized agreements with education abroad providers offering services to facilitate program development and on-site implementation in the following countries. Please contact the Study Abroad and Away office if you are interested in using a program provider for your program in one of these locations.
Note: If any country is listed on either the U.S. State Department Hazardous Country List (Travel Advisory 3 or 4) or the CSURMA's High Hazardous Country List, programs will have to undergo additional review and receive travel authorization from the 菠菜网lol正规平台 President’s Office and/or CSU Chancellor’s Office.
Countries | |
Albania | Argentina |
Armenia | Australia |
Austria | Bahrain |
Bangladesh | Bhutan |
Belgium | Belize |
Bolivia | Botswana |
Brazil | Bulgaria |
Burundi | Cambodia |
Canada | Chile |
China | Colombia |
Costa Rica | Croatia |
Cuba | Czech Republic |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Denmark |
Dominican Republic | Ecuador |
Egypt | Estonia |
Ethiopia | Fiji |
Finland | France |
Georgia | Germany |
Ghana | Grenada |
Greece | Guatemala |
Honduras | Hong Kong |
Hungary | Iceland |
India | Indonesia |
Ireland | Israel |
Italy | Jamaica |
Japan | Jordan |
Kenya | Latvia |
Malawi | Malaysia |
Malta | Mauritius |
Mexico | Montenegro |
Morocco | Mozambique |
Namibia | Nepal |
New Zealand | Netherlands |
Nicaragua | Northern Ireland |
Norway | Oman |
Panama | Peru |
Philippines | Poland |
Portugal | Puerto Rico |
Qatar | Romania |
Switzerland | Taiwan |
Tanzania | Thailand |
Turkey | Uganda |
United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom |
United States | Uruguay |
Vietnam | Zambia |
Zimbabwe |
Contact Us
Study Abroad and Away
College of Professional and Global Education (CPGE)
One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192-0135
Email: spartansabroad@mowangyun.com
Phone: (408) 924 2670