FLP Provider Location List

Global Engagement at 菠菜网lol正规平台 has authorized agreements with education abroad providers offering services to facilitate program development and on-site implementation in the following countries. Please contact the Study Abroad and Away office if you are interested in using a program provider for your program in one of these locations.

Note: If any country is listed on either the U.S. State Department Hazardous Country List (Travel Advisory 3 or 4) or the CSURMA's High Hazardous Country List, programs will have to undergo additional review and receive travel authorization from the 菠菜网lol正规平台 President’s Office and/or CSU Chancellor’s Office.

Albania Argentina
Armenia Australia
Austria Bahrain
Bangladesh Bhutan
Belgium Belize
Bolivia Botswana
Brazil Bulgaria
Burundi Cambodia
Canada Chile
China Colombia
Costa Rica Croatia
Cuba Czech Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark
Dominican Republic Ecuador
Egypt Estonia
Ethiopia Fiji
Finland France
Georgia Germany
Ghana Grenada
Greece Guatemala
Honduras Hong Kong
Hungary Iceland
India Indonesia
Ireland Israel
Italy Jamaica
Japan Jordan
Kenya Latvia
Malawi Malaysia
Malta Mauritius
Mexico Montenegro
Morocco Mozambique
Namibia Nepal
New Zealand Netherlands
Nicaragua Northern Ireland
Norway Oman
Panama Peru
Philippines Poland
Portugal Puerto Rico
Qatar Romania
Switzerland Taiwan
Tanzania Thailand
Turkey Uganda
United Arab Emirates United Kingdom
United States Uruguay
Vietnam Zambia
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